Neighborhoods Durango S Vista Pacifica

Vista Pacifica

Neighborhoods South of Durango Colorado Vista Pacifica


  • Approx. # of lots: 17
  • Size of Lots: There are two sections in the subdivision: one section has 4 & 5 acre lots, while the other section has 7 to 9 acre lots. There is a 50 acre Greenbelt
  • General Location: Just east of Highway 550 and just south of County Rd. 302. 12.2 miles north of the New Mexico border and 4 miles south of the intersection with Highway 160
  • Price Range of Lots: $120,000 – $180,000
  • Price Range of Homes: $400,000 – $600,000 with more homes being built
  • Schools: Sunnyside Elementary; Escalante Middle School; Durango High School
  • HOA and/or Metro District: No Metro district, but mandatory HOA
  • Manufactured Homes Allowed: No


New subdivision that would certainly seem to be for agricultural type people because each lot has irrigation water with lots of pastureland. Minimum home size will be 2000 ft.². Another property that is well located for a Farmington or Aztec, New Mexico commuter or somebody that wants real easy access to the airport, which would be about 10 to 12 minutes away. Essentially flat land that for years had been irrigated with a center pivot irrigation system. Wildlife in the subdivision would include deer, elk and likely some wild turkey. Elevation of the subdivision is approximately 6650 feet. These lots would have very nice views of the La Plata Mountains. For domestic water you would need to drill your own water well and you would need to install your own septic system. Bottled propane would be necessary for gas service. The roads in the subdivision are graveled and would be maintained by the homeowners Association. Essentially all of the properties in the southeast quadrant of La Plata County are in the oil and/or gas zone. This requires increased due diligence in the purchase process as to the possible placement of well sites and especially in the analysis of existing water wells.