Neighborhoods Durango S Mesa Linda

Mesa Linda

Neighborhoods South of Durango Colorado Mesa Linda


  • Approx. # of lots: 14
  • Size of Lots: Between 5 and 6 acres except for a couple of lots which are about 9 acres
  • General Location: South and East of Durango off of County Road 301 and County Road 303
  • Price Range of Lots: Last sale was in 2008 for $195,000; previous to that was a sale in 2002
  • Price Range of Homes: $450,000 – $750,000
  • Schools: Sunnyside Elementary, Escalante Middle School, Durango High School
  • HOA and/or Metro District: No metro district, but mandatory HOA
  • Manufactured Homes Allowed: No


First developed in 1981, Mesa Linda was one of the early premium view, smaller-lot agricultural subdivisions in the County. In spite of that fact that some of these homes are older, they are all well-maintained and you have the feeling of a nicely kept neighborhood. All of the lots have irrigation water and beautiful unobstructed views of the snowcapped La Plata Mountains. The property to the North and West of the subdivision is agricultural which adds to the beautiful unobstructed views and that country feel. The access is off of County Road 301 and then 303, both of which are County maintained gravel roads. Eastern lots in the subdivision would have some slope to them, but essentially all the rest of the lots are flat. The land is at 6750 feet in elevation. This property lies below the height of the Mesa; that is you drive off of the Mesa coming down the road into the subdivision so that the elevation is a little bit lower than the Mesa. The homes are nice quality but not extravagant and there is still a country/agricultural flavor due to the irrigation systems used, the presence of horses and barns etc. Several owners use a side roll sprinkler to irrigate their pastureland. Wildlife in the subdivision would include deer, elk and likely some wild turkey and an occasional fox. Individual water wells would need to be drilled and individual septic systems for each home. Bottled propane would be necessary for gas service. Essentially all of the properties in the southeast quadrant of La Plata County are in the oil and/or gas zone. This requires increased due diligence in the purchase process as to the possible placement of well sites and especially in the analysis of existing water wells.